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Wie Sie in den deutschen Mittelstand investieren können.
Interview with our co-Founder and co-CEO Dirk Littig
Crowdinvesting vergleichsweise klein, aber mit großem Zukunftspotential in Österreich
Interview with Daniel Horak, Co-Founder and CEO
Unternehmen wir Zukunft: So gelingt ein guter Finanzierungs-Mix
There is sufficient capital in the market to finance growth and innovation in companies. However, what does a good financing mix look like, and which options are particularly exciting? Sabine Hönigsberger, Head of Corporate Clients at Erste Bank, Daniel Horak, CEO and Co-Founder of Conda, and Nina Wöss from AVCO discuss these topics with Dejan Jovicevic from brutkasten.
Daniel Horak: Crowdfunding für den Klimaschutz
"Freitag in der Arena" - an oekostrom AG-talk